Forward Together: A Vision for Evansville

“In Forward Together, I’ve sketched out goals and priorities in areas like public safety, neighborhood improvement, and education with an eye toward lifting up our community and providing opportunities for everyone.” - Stephanie Terry

I recently released, Forward Together, a plan or blueprint for Evansville’s future and a vision for some critical areas of focus including public safety, neighborhoods and economic development. This blueprint, was formed through conversations with you… on front porches and in backyards during my Together with Terry Listening Tour, and at forums and community celebrations city-wide.

To put this plan together, I’ve captured your thoughts and ideas and combined them with what I know and learned through my experiences as a long-time leader in this community. 

When you read the plan, you’ll see… It's a lofty agenda.

But I know we can do all this and more with the right city leadership.

For me, the chance to serve as your Mayor has never been about political parties, a campaign, or even about me.

It’s about the "We." It's about moving Forward Together.

I hope you’ll read it and provide input. Please weigh in by submitting the form below and sharing your thoughts. We can continue to collaborate as we move toward a shared vision for our city.  

Stephanie Terry

Forward Together - Feedback from our Community

Do you have thoughts on the vision outlined in Forward Together? Share your feedback below.
